Word cover pages templates

Discover the best selection of Word cover pages templates for your notebooks, projects or papers.

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Physics & Chemistry

+1.000.000 cover page downloads!

Word cover pages for subjects

To make it easier for you to find your perfect cover, below you will find a selection of the most downloaded covers from the most popular sections of our website. .

University Cover pages

portada modern


portada para trabajos de universidad newtral


Portada red Lighting

Red Lightning

portada postmodern II

Post Modern II

English Cover pages

portada de inglés Londres

London Cover Page

cabecera de la portada i love london

United States Cover Page

portada big ben

Books II Cover Page

portada words

Words Cover Page

Maths Cover pages

Portada matemáticas franja roja

Cover Page Red Stripe

portada de matemáticas con imagen de formulas

Cover Page Brain

portada geometrics II. portada de cuadros y rectángulos

Math vintage Cover page

portada matemáticas formulas

Mathematics Formulas

Language Cover pages

portada libros

History Books

cabecera portada espanol


portada lengua franjas azules

Franjas Azules II

portada lengua libros

Fondo Libros

Other cover pages

fotograma cover page


portada florazal

World Geography

blue city

City Blue

imagen de la portada cientifico


The cover or title page of a work is very important. It is the sheet in charge of transmitting the image of the work we want to convey, so choosing the right cover is essential.

As you may have already noticed, the time and difficulty that can be involved in creating a quality cover page for our tasks, projects and works is high. Therefore, to make your choice easier, we have provided you with a small compilation of the most downloaded cover pages for each section.

Remember that you can find more beautiful Word covers sorted by subject in the menu bar. As well as if you are looking for printable PDF covers, which do not need to be edited, you can also find a printable covers section in the menu.

Find, download and edit the best free Word cover pages at descargarportada.com.

Latest Word cover pages uploaded

If you already visited the web some time ago, and now you are looking to renew your collection of covers or new covers, don’t worry. In the following block you will be able to see the latest documents in Word format that have been uploaded to the web.

Don’t miss the opportunity and download the best editable Word cover sheets from all over the Internet.

Free Word cover pages template

Currently there are many programs and applications to make covers and templates. One of the best known of these programs is Word, which is arguably the most widely used word processing program. For this reason we provide the covers thinking mainly in this program.

MS Word itself offers a number of default templates, but if you want to use different covers to those already used by millions of people and in a free way, you should look at pages that offer the download of digital covers in Word like this. With a quick search you will be able to download your Word cover for free.

With this program and a little bit of skill and originality, it is possible to achieve really professional results in our work covers, notebook covers or any cover of a more formal document.

As you can see in the following image of a notebook, this would be the result of using a cover of our page in a real notebook. This is the Modern cover, one of the most downloaded by users.

mockup portada moderna e1707564600557

Own MS Word cover pages

Below you will be able to find the gallery of free cover pages provided by MS Word by default, to make the creation of works a little easier. They usually have a rather formal style. Some of the most outstanding ones provided are as follows:

Portada Whisp

Cover Whisp


Cover Faceta


Cover Filigrana


Cover Ion


Cover Bandas


Cover Austin

How to add a cover page in Word?

If you have tried to add a cover page to your work in Word, but you are not sure, you can take a look at our short video and you will see how easy it is. All you have to do is follow the steps below:

How insert a new cover page in Word

If you want to go more in depth, you can visit the post we have on our blog about how to make a cover page in Word in 2022.

Online tools to create a cover

There are many tools that we can find today on the network to make a cover for free. Some of the most recommended are the following:

If you want to know more online tools to make covers, you can visit the post we have in our blog about 5 platforms where you can make your cover online.

❔ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Remember that if you have any questions, you can contact us using the form that you can find on the contact page.

Download your Word cover sheets in the most secure way

At descargarportada.com we believe that security is very important. For that reason, we host our content in Mediafire so that your downloads are totally safe, and our content is protected against any attack.

We remind you that downloading any type of file directly from any unknown site can pose a risk to our pc, so we advise you to check the reliability of the pages before downloading any type of file.

⚠The covers that you can find in descargarportada.com, with own authorship, are for personal and non-transferable use. Therefore, their commercialization and downloading on other platforms other than descargarportada.com is strictly forbidden.⚠

If you would like to thank us in any way for the work we do, you can lend us a hand by sharing our website with your contacts, leaving us a positive comment or simply visiting us again when you need a quality template for a future job.

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